My cousin has a dog groomers, and asked me to make her a website. I did this website outside of my university studies. We kept in contact on WhatsApp, asking her what she wanted on the website, with pricing details and pictures to be put onto the website.
This website has fixed navigation bar which includes pages ‘home’, ‘about us’, ‘gallery’, ‘contact’ and ‘T’s & C’s - Info’. This navigation is efficient and clear on the top of the page.
The home page has a banner with the services they have and pictures of dogs.
At the bottom of the home page, there is a paragraph about the business, which is unnecessary as there is already an about section, and it can be off-putting to have too much writing on the home page especially.
They have their social media pages and contact information at the top, which is good so customers can subscribe their pages and get updated on their latest information.
The text on each page is stretched across the whole page which can be hard to read for some people, especially because the text size does not get bigger as the page expands.
The logo is very large at the top of the pages with the easily seen navigation bar. The contact information is easy to find at the top of each page, for people have quickly need to find it to book an appointment.
The pages have a fixed picture on each page which you can see through the gap as you scroll down, which is a nice design.
This website has a better layout, with paragraphs in blocks, and nicer typography used. The text is easy to read.
On the contact page, there is a form to fill out for anyone who has any questions or comments, which would be helpful instead of a booking system, as it may prevent double booking.
This website has the same feature as the last with having a fixed picture which moves slightly as you scroll down.
There is a large logo at the top centre, with the navigation bar next to it, making it very easy for customers to navigate around the website. The navigations include; ‘home’, ‘about’, ‘services’, ‘shop’, ‘gallery’ and ‘job vacancies’.
I created a unique logo for Catherine as the one she was using at the time was made on a logo making website. I kept to the colour scheme that she wanted, and gave it a professional and feminine look.
These were the pictures I got given by Catherine (client). Due to being at university at the time and also due to COVID restrictions, I was unable to take these pictures myself.
Barking Beauty

Barking Beauty
